Kasabian roll into Vienna - britishrock.cc
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Kasabian roll into Vienna
British indie rock giants Kasabian will return to Austria this summer, it has been revealed. The Leicester-based band is set to perform open air at Vienna’s Arena on 8 August. Tickets for the gig are not yet on sale.

Kasabian, who headlined last year’s Frequency Festival in Sankt Pölten, have released three studio albums to date. Their eponymous 2004 debut reached number four in the UK charts, while "Empire" topped the charts in the country two years later. Last year’s "West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum" also reached number one.

The four-headed band fronted by infamously outspoken singer Tom Meighan and guitarist Serge Pizzorno won Best British Group at this year’s Brit Awards.

This announcement comes just one day after it emerged that Bob Dylan will perform in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, on 19 June.

A news update on his official homepage, www.bobdylan.com, revealed the concert date after it was confirmed earlier this month that the legendary singer-songwriter will perform in Linz, Upper Austria, on 12 June.

19.03.2010, 10:33 von T. Hochwarter

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