INmusic #12: One-day ticket for 20th June are sold out! Limited number of full festival tickets still available -
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INmusic #12: One-day ticket for 20th June are sold out! Limited number of full festival tickets still available
Daily tickets for the second day of INmusic festival, with spectacular headliners such as Kings of Leon and Arcade Fire, are now sold out.

In a month, festivalgoers from more than 60 countries from all over the world will be pleased by one of the most attractive festival line-ups in Europe. Second day of INmusic #12 consists of impressive list of performing acts - Kings of Leon, Arcade Fire, Repetitor, The Strange, Kel-Assouf, Public Service Broadcasting, Gatuzo, Them Moose Rush and many others. All of these great names caused enormous interest to the audience so we have to announce that all tickets for Tuesday, 20. June are completely sold out!

Last and limited number of full festival tickets will be released soon, and considering extremely great ticket sales, we are expecting that the whole this year festival might be fully sold out! We may already conclude that 12th edition of Croatian festival will break all the previous records of visits and certainly, once again, achieve excellent tourist results!

INmusic festival #12 will take place from the 19th to the 21st of June 2017 at the beautiful and unique setting of Lake Jarun in Croatia’s capital Zagreb. Tickets for three exciting festival days are available for 67 EUR at the official festival webshop. The price of daily tickets for June 19th and June 21st is 47 EUR while seven day camping tickets are available for the price of 34EUR in the official festival webshop.

26.05.2017, 14:45 von Tobias Haslinger

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